PANG Bibliography

This section contains PANG members' publications and theses drowed up with the collaboration of the Laboratory staff. You can download (when available) the pdf version of paper or thesis by clicking on the corresponding pdf icon.

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Journal Article
C. Gioia, Angrisano, A. , and Gaglione, S. , Galileo-Based Doppler Shifts and Time Difference Carrier Phase: A Static Case Demonstration, Sensors, vol. 23, p. 6828, 2023.
A. ANGRISANO, GAGLIONE, S. , GIOIA, C. , ROBUSTELLI, U. , and VULTAGGIO, M. , GIOVE Satellites Pseudorange Error Assessment, JOURNAL OF NAVIGATION, vol. 65, pp. 29–40, 2012.
C. GIOIA, GNSS Navigation In Difficult Environments: Hybridization And Reliability, Ricerche di Geomatica 2014, 2014.PDF icon GNSS NAVIGATION IN DIFFICULT ENVIRONMENTS HYBRIDIZATION AND RELIABILITY_Phd_GIOIA-1.pdf (2.31 MB)
A. Angrisano, Gioia, C. , Gaglione, S. , and Del Core, G. , GNSS Reliability Testing in Signal-Degraded Scenario, International Journal of Navigation and Observation, p. –, 2013.
E. D’Amato, Notaro, I. , Piscopo, V. , and Scamardella, A. , Hydrodynamic Design of Fixed Hydrofoils for Planing Craft, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, vol. 11, 2023.
A. Angrisano, Bernardi, M. L. , Cimitile, M. , Gaglione, S. , and Vultaggio, M. , Identification of Walker Identity Using Smartphone Sensors: An Experiment Using Ensemble Learning, IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 27435-27447, 2020.
A. Campanile, Mandarino, M. , and Piscopo, V. , On the influence of the warping shear stress on the hull girder strength, Journal of Ship Research, vol. 54, pp. 231-243, 2010.
G. Mattei, Aucelli, P. P. C. , Caporizzo, C. , Peluso, F. , Pappone, G. , and Troisi, S. , Innovative Technologies for Coastal Paleo-Landscape Reconstruction and Paleo-Sea Level Measuring, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1246, pp. 244-255, 2020.
V. Baiocchi, Brigante, R. , Del Pizzo, S. , Giannone, F. , Onori, M. , Radicioni, F. , Stoppini, A. , Tosi, G. , Troisi, S. , and Baumgartner, M. , Integrated geomatic techniques for georeferencing and reconstructing the position of underground archaeological sites: The case study of the augustus sundial (rome), Remote Sensing, vol. 12, pp. 1-17, 2020.
A. Innac, Angrisano, A. , Dardanelli, G. , V. Corte, D. , Martellato, E. , Rotundi, A. , Ferraioli, G. , Palumbo, P. , and Gaglione, S. , A Kalman filter single point positioning for maritime applications using a smartphone, Geographia Technica, vol. 16, pp. 15-29, 2021.
A. Angrisano, Ardimento, P. , Bernardi, M. L. , Cimitile, M. , and Gaglione, S. , A Machine Learning Approach for Walker Identification Using Smartphone Sensors, Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 880, pp. 229-247, 2020.
H. Xu, Angrisano, A. , Gaglione, S. , and Hsu, L. - T. , Machine learning based LOS/NLOS classifier and robust estimator for GNSS shadow matching, vol. 1, no. 1, p. 15, 2020.
G. Battista Rossi, Cannata, A. , Iengo, A. , Migliaccio, M. , Nardone, G. , Piscopo, V. , and Zambianchi, E. , Measurement of sea waves, Sensors, vol. 22, 2022.
F. Di Ciaccio and Troisi, S. , Monitoring marine environments with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles: A bibliometric analysis, Results in Engineering, vol. 9, 2021.
S. Pennino and Scamardella, A. , Motions Assessment Using a Time Domain Approach for a Research Ship in Antarctic Waters, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, vol. 11, 2023.
A. ANGRISANO, GAGLIONE, S. , PACIFICO, A. , and VULTAGGIO, M. , Multi-Constellation System as Augmentation to GPS Performance in Difficult Environment or Critical Applications, ATTI DELL'ISTITUTO ITALIANO DI NAVIGAZIONE, vol. 190, p. –, 2009.
Paper Selected from the ENC - 2009 Conference held in Naples on 4 - 6 May 2009
PDF icon Multi-Constellation System as Augmentation To GPS Performance in Difficult Environment or Critical Application.pdf (237.58 KB)
C. Gioia, Angrisano, A. , and Gaglione, S. , Neustrelitz Total Electron Content Model for Galileo Performance: A Position Domain Analysis, Sensors (Basel, Switzerland), vol. 23, 2023.
E. Martellato, Piccirillo, A. Maria, Ferraioli, G. , Rotundi, A. , Corte, V. Della, Palumbo, P. , Alcaras, E. , Appolloni, L. , Aulicino, G. , Bertini, I. , Capozzi, V. , Catucci, E. , Dionnet, Z. , Di Palma, P. , Esposito, F. , Ferrentino, E. , Innac, A. , Inno, L. , Pennino, S. , Saviano, S. , Tirimberio, G. , Campopiano, S. , Chianese, E. , Franzese, P. Paolo, Fusco, G. , Gaglione, S. , Iadicicco, A. , Nunziata, F. , Parente, C. , Piscopo, V. , Riccio, A. , Russo, G. Fulvio, and Zambianchi, E. , A New Orbiting Deployable System for Small Satellite Observations for Ecology and Earth Observation, Remote Sensing, vol. 14, 2022.
V. Piscopo, Scamardella, A. , and Gaglione, S. , A new wave spectrum resembling procedure based on ship motion analysis, Ocean Engineering, vol. 201, 2020.
F. Di Ciaccio, Menegazzo, P. , and Troisi, S. , Optimization of the maritime signaling system in the lagoon of venice, Sensors (Switzerland), vol. 19, 2019.
S. Gaglione, Piscopo, V. , and Scamardella, A. , The overall motion induced interruptions as operability criterion for fishing vessels, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 517 - 532, 2016.
A. Angrisano, Gaglione, S. , Crocetto, N. , and Vultaggio, M. , PANG-NAV: a tool for processing GNSS measurements in SPP, including RAIM functionality, GPS Solutions, vol. 24, 2020.
A. Angrisano, Gaglione, S. , and Gioia, C. , Performance assessment of aided Global Navigation Satellite System for land navigation, IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol. 7, pp. 671–680, 2013.PDF icon Performance assessment of aided GNSS for land navigation_pre_print_version.pdf (1.61 MB)
A. ANGRISANO, GAGLIONE, S. , and GIOIA, C. , Performance assessment of GPS/GLONASS single point positioning in an urban environment, Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, pp. 1-13, 2013.PDF icon Performance assessment of GPS_preprint.pdf (1.33 MB)
A. Angrisano, Dardanelli, G. , Innac, A. , Pisciotta, A. , Pipitone, C. , and Gaglione, S. , Performance assessment of PPP surveys with open source software using the GNSS GPS-GLONASS-Galileo constellations, Applied Sciences (Switzerland), vol. 10, 2020.
