Performance assessment of PPP surveys with open source software using the GNSS GPS-GLONASS-Galileo constellations

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TitlePerformance assessment of PPP surveys with open source software using the GNSS GPS-GLONASS-Galileo constellations
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsAngrisano, A, Dardanelli, G, Innac, A, Pisciotta, A, Pipitone, C, Gaglione, S
JournalApplied Sciences (Switzerland)
How to citate: 
Angrisano, A., Dardanelli, G., Innac, A., Pisciotta, A., Pipitone, C., Gaglione, S. (2020). Performance assessment of PPP surveys with open source software using the GNSS GPS-GLONASS-Galileo constellations. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), ISSN:20763417 doi: 10.3390/APP10165420