ARES - Robotica autonoma per la nave estesa

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PON “Ricerca e Innovazione” 2014-2020 e FSC, di cui all’Avviso n. 1735/Ric del 13 luglio 2017

ARES aims at developing a new paradigm in the marine technology area: a complex system – the ship with all the subsystems (for control, measurement, etc.) – integrated with new marine robotic technologies (a cooperative system of underwater and surface drones), to extend its operability and flexibility of use in many missions: environmental emergencies, support to the defense system, deployment and maintenance for marine renewable energy devices, off-shore platforms, etc.The technology challenge is the development of a new RD&I ecosystem in the shipbuilding and marine robotic sector, which combines the strategic perspective of large industries (to develop dual-use systems integrated into a IoT framework) with the ship-owner perspective (to acquire new marine vehicle capable of cooperative working with swarm of drones).The ambition is to develop research in the robotic framework empowering, by the creation of spin-offs and start-ups, a layer of SME capable of developing robotic vehicles, maritime instrumentation and sensors, ICT systems, data control and analysis, remote control and coordination."

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