GBAS - Ground Based Augmentation System, an Italian Experience

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TitleGBAS - Ground Based Augmentation System, an Italian Experience
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2006
Conference NameProceedings of European Navigation Conference (ENC) 2006
Date PublishedMay 7-10,

The GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) are not sufficient to support Air Navigation in specific applications; so it is necessary to introduce Augmentation Systems. In the last years the European Scientific Community are focusing on Augmentation Systems based on Satellite infrastructure (SBAS - Satellite Based Augmentation System) and on Ground based ones (GBAS - Ground Based Augmentation System). The purpose of this work is to verify GBAS performance. We started from a data set of measurements carried out at the GBAS of Milan-Linate where we work on a ground installation (GMS – Ground Monitoring Station) that supervise the GBAS signal and that represent, for our purposes, the Aircraft subsystem. So the set of data collected is to be considered in RTK mode and after the measures session we processed them with the software PEGASUS v 4.0. Some results on availability, integrity and accuracy are reported and discussed. 

How to citate: 
GAGLIONE, S, VULTAGGIO, M (2006). GBAS - Ground Based Augmentation System, an Italian Experience. Proceedings of European Navigation Conference (ENC) 2006, –